
terfs stop being transphobic challenge - by alex curry

the lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch
to question my authority on bodily autonomy.
mutilations, in their words, a sacreligous scourge,
this societal condition, transgender affliction
tearing up the youth, turning boys into girls.
we’re lopping titties off of toddlers,
you’d think to hear them speak,
with so much garbage locked inside
it’s a wonder they survive.
now they’re questioning my right to proudly self-identify,
want to pacify, pathologize every aspect of my life,
want to take away my choices whilst the men take theirs from them,
want to put me in the ground, want to silence me again.
I just think they’re scared because I am angrier than them,
because I am angry at them and angry at men,
but my anger doesn’t blind, it only clarifies,
and that makes them fucking scared, I can see it in their eyes,
even as they glaze over with transphobic lies.
my beauty astounds them, their anger confounds me,
I don’t know how they’re alive, it makes them so blind
that they can’t see the path down which they’re being lead
is another fucking path being paved by fucking men.
we can’t stand against them when they turn your anger onto us,
so please, for once, show us some fucking love,
and remember that we’re seeking the same thing that you seek,
a world made for everyone, the bold and the meek,
our liberation’s intertwined, it’s been like this all the time,
watch the patriarchy crumble as you just stand beside
your transgender brothers and sisters,
please join us in the fight.

Alex Curry